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We got the talent you're looking for!

workforce for the technology industry

Our platform offers access to a wide pool of graduates who possess the skills, experience, and knowledge necessary to excel in roles such as Cloud, SaaS, Low-Code No-Code and CRM. Rest assured that you will find the perfect candidates to fill your team and drive your organization’s success.

Hiring from us will give you access to


A diverse and talented pool of candidates


Graduates with current technical skills and knowledge


Candidates who are keen to learn and advance in their careers


Continuous support from TechForce Academy during and after the hiring process

Our graduates have completed rigorous training in the latest technologies and have demonstrated their ability to apply that knowledge to real-world problems. They are well-prepared to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact in your organisation.

To learn more about hiring from TechForce Academy,
please contact us at [email protected]

We look forward to partnering with you to build a strong and skilled technology workforce.